
Kingdom Rush: Rift in Time

Welcome to Kingdom Rush: Rift in Time, where you and your allies must work together to fend off the furious onslaught of the mysterious Time Mage! Fight back with unique Heroes, special abilities, and an awesome arsenal of upgradable Towers. The Time Mage will stop at nothing as they try to take over the Kingdom and neither should you – archers ready!

Kingdom Rush: Rift in Time Gameplay
Kingdom Rush: Rift in Time is the tabletop adaptation of the famous mobile tower defense game. The game is fully co-operative and offers both individual scenarios, an infinite replay-ability mode, and a unique campaign.

In the campaign, each new scenario is more challenging than the one before it, introducing formidable foes, game-changing events, and epic bosses to battle!

Players command Heroes, which each come with a gorgeous miniature and hero board of variable unique powers. By building or upgrading Towers and placing polyomino pieces and using their Hero to attack enemies, players work together to hold back the ever-advancing horde.

Players: 1–4
Playing Time: 45-90 min
Ages: 10+
Designers: Helana Hope, Sen-Foong Lim, Jessey Wright
MSRP: $59.99 / 54.99 €
Box Dimensions: 295x295x120mm

Key Mechanics
Cooperative Game
Hand Management
Modular Board
Pattern Building
Tile Placement
Variable Player Powers

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