
2x New Expansions for It’s A Wonderful World

It’s A Wonderful World: Corruption & Ascension

Expand your game to seven players and introduce FOUR new card types to your base game of It’s a Wonderful World. From now on, each turn, you will play a mixture of classic Development cards and new Ascension cards.

Corruption cards appear in every Empire, destroying resources and spoiling production, but with the right tools, Corruption may eventually serve your schemes. Super Production cards won’t be easy to build, but they can make all the difference in the race for productivity. The greatest of achievements are held in Master Projects, but can you build an Empire capable of constructing one? Finally, Pair-Scoring cards will benefit Empires who take two development paths, splitting their focus and reaping the rewards.

Ascension & Corruption adds a host of diversity and complexity to gameplay and opens up exciting challenges for the players who are will to risk it all.

It’s A Wonderful World: War or Peace

This campaign expansion brings 6 replayable scenarios to It’s a Wonderful World. Play with friends or by yourself and discover new game mechanics and unlock new cards for your base game.

Each of the Six campaign envelopes gives you a story introduction, adds new cards, and introduces gameplay twists. Through the campaign, you will be asked to open the Secret Box to unlock a board expansion for your main gameboard. Depending on how you play the scenarios, the end of the story will be different.

There is no component destruction, so you can play the campaign again to discover an alternative ending. At the end of the campaign, you open the Booster pack and get 15 new cards to mix with your base game. All the new mechanics discovered during the campaign can now be played in the base game!

War or Peace gives players a way to expand their copy of It’s a Wonderful World AND enjoy an engaging campaign that can be enjoyed again and again.

• LDG English Edition US Exclusively! We will publish the English edition of both expansions in the US only. Customers wishing to order the expansions from us will only have the option of shipping from the US.

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