

Mistfall release: An adventure boardgame for 1 to 4 players

“NSKN Games is proud to announce our third Kickstarter campaign and an ambitious venture into a world of fantasy adventure gaming with Mistfall – our second planned release for 2015.

Mistfall is a fully cooperative game designed by Błażej Kubacki and published by NSKN Games. Designed and developed in English, the game will be funded using Kickstarter, with the project launching on March 10th, 2015.

About Mistfall
Mistfall is an adventure game for 1-4 players, set in an original dark fantasy setting. Utilizing elements of deckbuilding and hand management, and based on varied scenarios played on a modular board, Mistfall features a fully cooperative experience that focuses on player decisions and strategy. Beautifully illustrated and steeped in classic fantasy tropes, Mistfall is aimed both at fans of the tabletop adventure genre, as well as at gamers interested in deeper, more deterministic strategy card games.”

Link: http://www.nskn.net/en2/games/mistfall/


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