
Escape Tales: Low Memory new game in Escape Tales line!

“Escape Tales along with Teotihuacan are among our bestselling titles sellers published in more than 8 languages. So, it’s time to show you more details about the next game in this series which we want to expand even more in upcoming years. As in The Awakening, our main goal is to provide a game with deep story tided with clever riddles around thoughtful subjects.

Premiere: Spiel 2019

If you are not familiar with the series, Escape Tales: Low Memory is an escape room in a card game form, with no time limits on puzzles, immersive exploration and a set of hard choices that will immerse you deeply into a riveting story of a cyberpunk future.

Low Memory is the next product in the Escape Tales line. A separate story that does not require ownership or even knowledge of Escape Tales: The Awakening to play and enjoy. All you need for a full, satisfying, narrative and challenging experience is already here.

What new game brings to the line:
✅ More cards with even more riddles!
✅ 3 stories, one plot: become three different characters and experience the main plot from three different perspectives, to make the right call at the end of the game.
✅ Each story changes the gameplay: switching characters not only brings a new and different perspective but also changes the way locations are explored.

In Escape Tales: Low Memory players will delve into stories of three characters to uncover – step by step ¬– the plot that connects all of them. So, prepare for three immersive storylines with a healthy dose of plot twists. Escape Tales: Low Memory will surprise you on more than a few occasions.

Story blurb:
It is the year 2060. Elizabeth is packing her bags and saying goodbye to her husband. They are going on a family trip, but Elizabeth promises to catch up once she has dealt with finishing a research project. A moment later, she looks at her husband’s autonomous vehicle leaving the driveway, her thoughts already drawn towards her work. Another normal day – or at least that’s what Elizabeth believes.
Next morning Elizabeth wakes up on her sofa. She’s having a horrible headache, and her home is trashed – turned upside down as if someone had broken in. Although she keeps trying, she is unable to recall anything since the moment she had left work.

She decides to use the memory read machine.
It’s the perfect tool, isn’t it? However, each technological development comes with a price…”

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