
Upcoming games: “Cassiopeia” and “Artline”

Cassiopeia is a strategy game for 2 to 5 players ages 12 and up, based on the use of double-sided cards and resource management.

While taking turns, players hire different specialists, process the effects of their actions, collect resources, and optimize their logistics to be the first who terraforms all 7 planets each player was assigned to colonize.
While doing all that, the players are constantly flipping all of the cards on the table, thus dynamic strategies are needed to compete for the particular effects available at any moment.

Cassiopeia is a game by Nikolay Pegasov, the world famous Russian game designer, and it’s been under his careful development for more than 5 years.

Artline is a game of associations where 2 to 5 players look at the fine arts in a completely different way.
The current edition includes 96 masterpieces from the State Hermitage Museum in Saint-Petersburg, but we’re about to expand the series with other world-famous art museums because we think it’s a solid gateway into the hobby.

During the game, the players develop a common grid of cards on the table and define common features for each row and column. It takes lots of attentiveness and creativeness to come up with those common features.”

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