
Phalanx’ “Freedom!” jetzt auf Kickstarter

To the trenches! Waylay your besieged foe or outlast the onslaught of the invaders – only one will emerge victorious.

KS: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/phalanxgames/freedom-4

“Withstand the stranglehold of the stronghold-like city and give a gallant account of your will, steadfastness, and guerrilla wit. Prove your determination and tactical mastery to entomb your rebellious opponents under the ruined walls of the besieged city and the broken dreams of Freedom! Never has a two-player game been so asymmetrically diversified. Never has a card-driven game allowed you to drive your opponent up the wall so mercilessly. Never has a siege game been so captivating!

Freedom! is a siege game, a test of will, endurance, and tactics between the besieged Freedom Fighters and the besieging Imperial Forces, who have come to crush the rebellion. This universal contest is presented through a dramatic history of the siege of a Greek Holy City (Messolonghi) by Ottoman forces during the Greek War of Independence (1821-1829).”

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