
Long Live the Queen

Long Live the Queen, a dynamic two-player game of bold strategies and clever maneuvers, is now on Kickstarter!


“Long Live The Queen will be published in two editions, each with a different art theme and storyline. Backers can choose a game of courtly intrigue as two princesses vie for the newly empty throne, using Japanese anime art. Alternatively, they can lead rival gangs in a gritty, dieselpunk-themed criminal underworld, in the setting of Crisis, a popular LudiCreations game from 2016.
Originally published in Japan in a very small print run, Long Live the Queen is a quick yet engaging game with no downtime, a tug-of-war where you must constantly outmaneuver your opponent with bold tactical moves, complete in just 15-30 minutes.

LudiCreations believes in giving everyone the opportunity to try the game before backing, and the dieselpunk edition of Long Live The Queen is available for free on Tabletopia: https://tabletopia.com/games/long-live-the-queen

To back the campaign and help bring Long Live The Queen to board game geeks again, visit:

Game Specifications
Players: 2
Duration: 15-30 minutes
Ages: 14+
Components: 24 character tiles, 24 prestige tokens, 1 number line, 2 marbled dice
Original Creation: Circle 3D6
Illustration (dieselpunk): Anthony Cournoyer”

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