
Haspelknecht expansion!

Quined Games is proud to announce the first release of 2017!

“Haspelknecht: The Ruhrvalley

This Expansion for Haspelknecht will be listed as Masterprint 15A in our series. Here is an excerpt from the rules.

Haspelknecht: The Ruhr Valley is an expansion of Thomas Spitzer’s Haspelknecht first published in 2015.

This exciting expansion features 2 new challenging modules and more than 20 new development tiles for you to explore!

Coal mining has now become an inherent and lucrative business for farmers in the Ruhr valley! Most of the population earns their living exclusively by coal mining and delivering the black gold to peddlers and the first coal barges cruising the river which gives its name to the valley and the entire area – the Ruhr.”

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