
Giochix bringt Apps für “Gladiatori” und “Romolo o Remo?” heraus

“We created to App for the two new Giochix games Romolo o Remo and Gladiatori. Both apps are free and available on www.giochix.t website and Google Play store.

Romolo o Remo Market App
This App allows players to easily manage game Market during the game.
Simply install it on a smartphone or tablet and use the device as Market board. This App is available for Android devices on Google Play Store.

Gladiatori Virtual Sheet App, beta version
This app allows players to register their stats during the game. No more pencil and paper are required! In addition, players can connect each other to the same game and let the computer to control them to avoid any cheats!
It’s available on Giochix website on www.giochix.it/gladiaregi.php and works on any browser. This is still in beta version and we are making the correspondent Android App version.”


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