
Stabile, coole Tragetaschen speziell für Spieletreffen!

John Wrot startet eine KS-Kampagne zur Produktion solcher Taschen, rechtzeitig zu Essen und überhaupt praktisch für alle, die gerne viele Spiele sicher von A nach B transportieren wollen:

“I myself truly need a better tote bag than my backpack to carry around my games. When I went looking for some I found mostly under-sized canvas bags that would scuff my game corners, giant bags so big I could fit my mattress in, or reasonably sized ones that were simply too expensive (…awesome to-be-sure!… but too expensive).

So I set out to make one that met the following requirements:

Big – but still one-hand-able – carry 4-10 games depending on game
Soft & squared – a material and shape that would be kind to my games
Strong – I want to be able to abuse it without the handles ripping off
And thus the Game Night Bag was born.

Having manufacturing know-how I decided to make them for all of us!
To that end, I’m charging as little as I can to make these bags a reality for all of us.

I hope to have your support, and maybe even hand you your bag in person.”

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