
“CASH Trade” kurz vorgestellt!

“In CASH Trader, you are a Day Trader/Investor trying to make one million dollars before your opponents can make theirs.

Accumulate wealth by adding new CASH Profit cards to your Trading Firm. Be sure to invest wisely as some CASH cards are more valuable than others, but carry greater risk.
There is more to making money than collecting CASH cards as Venture Capital, Dividend Yield and Premium Earning all playing their part in maximizing your wealth. Beware, however, the Bankers and Brokers, who have their eyes on your CASH.

The game changes with each turn as each player has the power to send you to Jail, start a Global Recession, force you into Bankruptcy or just simply steal you CASH.

CASH Trader is an attack-strategy card game of deceit, risk, trickery, economic management and sharp negotiation skills for two to eight players, ages 12 and up.”

Designer: Emilio van Doorn
Age: 12+
Playing Time: 45min.
2–8 Players

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