
Battle for Nethervein is coming to Kickstarter!

“Set in dark fantasy world full of steampunk inventions and Lovecraftian horror, Battle for Nethervein is heavily inspired with computer MOBA genre, but tries to take modern and action packed approach. Players divide into two teams each fighting for either The Syndicate or The Swarm. During the game you control only your hero, which gets stronger and gains new skills as the games goes on. Your actions influence what happens on the battlefield, you can fight on the front-line to push it to opposing towers to raze them down, fulfill quest around the board or go head to head with opponents heroes.
The game focuses on fluid action game-play, utilizes simultaneous movement choosing and combat planning where you can bluff out your opponent.
It’s for up to 6 players and takes 60-90 minutes.

Core team is same that brought to life Shuffle Heroes, which we Kickstarted and published in 2015 (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/686104751/shuffle-heroes).
We expanded our team of illustrators and hired artist to make the game better, from story writers to animator for a trailer.

Game is coming to Kickstarter by the end of June and will be released during Essen Spiel 2016.”

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