
Historical Games Factory: Kaufspiele auf der SPIEL’13

The Historical Games Factory Team (Fabryka Gier Historycznych, Poland) is currently working on launching a new, English-language website of the company. However, in order not to keep the fans waiting, the HGF decided to start the Essen preorders today despite technical problems.

You can place your orders via e-mail at preorderfgh@gmail.com and contact this address if you have any questions/problems concerning the prorders.

The prices of particular games available at SPIEL 2013 are as follows:

The Outcast Heroes 12 Euro (15 at booth 2-B130)
Sigismundus Augustus 30 Euro (37 at booth 2-B130)
Theomachie (German edition) 40 Euro
Teomachia (Polish edition) 18 Euro
W Zakładzie (Polish edition) 20 Euro

As a limited number of copies of non-international releases will be available, the prices in preorder and at the booth are the same for these games. Please note that the special lower prices are valid only for Essen pick-up, the company doesn’t send games abroad at these prices.

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