
“Scythe” kommt gut voran & weitere News

“Scythe is near the end of the second wave of blind playtesting. That’s when we send the rules and print-and-play files to ambassadors around the world, and people learn the game on their own and play it. In the last two months we’ve had over 400 blind playtest sessions, as well as regular playtests led by me (Jamey) at Gen Con last week. Here is a video from Drive-Thru Review with me explaining the core elements of Scythe to reviewer Joel Eddy.

Jakub Rozalski (Scythe worldbuilder and artist) has been working for several months with sculptors, me, and Panda to create the mech miniatures. This is the first Stonemaier Games project with miniatures, and we’ve heard plenty of horror stories from other creators about the delays caused by miniatures. So we wanted to go into the Kickstarter project (October 13) with production-ready miniatures, as shown below. The miniatures range from 28-35mm tall, and each faction has 4 mechs.”

Und weiteres:

“• Between Two Cities: Final production is complete, and we anticipate delivering games to backers and pre-order customers within the month of October.
• New Treasure Chests: Final production is complete, and we anticipate delivering games to backers and pre-order customers within the month of October.
• Euphoria Expansion: The design for the Euphoria expansion by Morten Monrad Pedersen is in progress.
• Euphoria and Tuscany: Euphoria and Tuscany are available in stores everywhere. The Tuscany misprint stickers are on the BGG store here. While we plan to reprint parts of Tuscany in the future, it is unlikely we will reprint the entirety of it every again, so now is the time to get it if you’re interested in expanding your Viticulture experience.
• Viticulture: Viticulture is sold out to distributors. We’re planning a reprint for December/January release (no Kickstarter, maybe pre-orders through our website).”


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