
“Gearworks: A steampunk strategy card game” ….kurz vorgestellt!

Sudoku meets steampunk in a visually stunning card game for 2-4 players.

KS: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/83162467/gearworks-a-steampunk-strategy-card-game

“Gearworks is a steampunk strategy card game featuring card placement, hand management, and a “twist” on area control. Strategically position your gears to fix a mysterious clockwork machine in the corner of the workshop. Collect parts and build fantastical contraptions! Will the other tinkerers sabotage your efforts or will you earn the workshop owner’s favor and become the master tinkerer?”

Gearworks is:

– Puzzle-y. Playtesters repeatedly said it feels like Sudoku.
– Beautiful.
– Accessible to gamers and non-gamers alike.
– Unique in game mechanics and experience.

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