
“Mountaineers – A 3D Board Game” ….kurz vorgestellt!

18 inches tall. Hundreds of pieces. 120 mountain combos. 1-6 players. This is a mountain anyone can climb!

“Can you avoid bad weather, stay on route, and out climb other players on the mountain? Can you earn enough climbing points to be known as the best of all?”

“Mountaineers is a 3-dimensional board game for 1 – 6 players. It is a strategy game requiring interesting game choices, and has mechanisms that include:

– area control
– resource management
– modular board design
– pattern building
– variable player-power

And, if you hadn’t yet noticed, it’s an 18 inch (45cm) tall spinning board game with hundreds of mountain combinations and components! Could it become the world’s tallest commercial board game?!?”

KS: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/coreywright/mountaineers-a-3d-board-game

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