
“Efemeris – Celestial Domination” ….kurz vorgestellt!

Efemeris is a strategy game, set in an uchronic Age of Exploration

KS: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/dtdagames/efemeris-celestial-domination

EFEMERIS is taking place during an advanced Age of Exploration.
EFEMERIS is a strategy game where the player is a fleet commander trying to seize all celestial territories under his colors.
The french, spanish and British are fighting for celestial domination.
From 2 to 4 players, EFEMERIS has 2 game modes: a highly competitive duel mode and a cooperative team mode.

Play as a fleet commander and use strategy to conquer 5 planets that will ensure the hegemony of your nation. Choose your captains for their unique skill and watch over the recruitment of their crew. Explore the canopy of heavens and collect the resources needed for your business. Destroy mercilessly enemy vessels that dare to confront your fleet.

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